Passion can be a really powerful emotion. But once it loses control, lives can be wrecked.
Sure, it is wonderful to love passionately. Loving a person with our whole heart and giving away our life if need be, seems to be the flavor of the season, when one is struck by Cupid's arrow. But do we ever stop and think that maybe sacrificing our life is not always the only way to love, that sometimes walking away from our beloved can also act as a powerful emotive to express our innermost feelings?
Passion is needed; the extreme of it is not. If we look around, we will find ample of examples where moderation of it is very much the need of the hour.
One goes to a public place and blows themselves up. They die, along with many others. Why, you ask? Perhaps it was the passionate love for his or her religion or country that made him/her take such a drastic step. Caught in the extreme mindset, the person did not stop and think about others. And from this, a simple conclusion emerges: passion can completely annihilate logic.
One topic I feel strongly about is feminism. I care about the woes of women and would one day like to do whatever is in my power to help them. But when I say that I am a feminist, does that mean that I am only preoccupied only with the worries of womanhood and wouldn't like to help others apart from them? Don't I realize that life is a crisis where everyone suffers? Yes I do.
But the sad reality is that now days feminism too has been perceived to have taken the path of extremism. If one speaks about women welfare, that person can be termed as an 'irrational, heartless and a selfish man-hater'. The term "feminist" nowadays evokes that extreme passion within the hearts of many-a-man and makes them detest women from depth of their hearts.
I think it is time for all of us to sit down calmly and contemplate. Today we cannot afford to be swayed by our emotion at the slightest provocation. Because if that remains the case, one day we might all just decide to go blow ourselves up.