Tuesday, July 10, 2007


I recently came across an unusual and a very refreshing genre of poetry in my creative writing class. And it goes by the name of ’Haiku’. Haiku is one of the most famous forms of traditional Japanese poetry. Written in a 17- syllable verse form, it consists of three metrical units of 5, 7 and 5 syllables. And this means it is a highly constraint type of poetry writing and you can not afford to go overboard with your thoughts. Also, keeping the syllables in mind can be extremely nerve wracking. But in spite all of its shortcomings, haiku can turn out to be a creative delight. It can paint a beautiful picture of words and express an entire gamut of emotions in just three lines.

This is precisely why Haiku has, in a short span of time, become the new love of my life. I am deeply infatuated and simply had to try my hand at it. So here goes nothing:

Quilts and hot coffee

Helps us through out winter days

As we wait for spring.

Doesn’t that paint a picture or what!!! And yes, I have been very faithful to those damn syllables too. But in case my experiment does not satisfy you, I will cite another example, but this time one I have stolen from the net:

Refreshing shower

Falls from my watering can

Catching a rainbow

Beautiful isn’t it?

Haikus can also a source of immense entertainment, especially while writing movie reviews. Yes, you heard right. Reviews of your favorite movie can also be written in the Japanese form. In fact there are various websites dedicated to it. Don’t believe me?

Well, then go check out this link:


Surprised? I too was. But soon I realized its worth and its capacity to amuse us. And if you ask me what my favorite movie review is, it has to be the one written on THE DAVINCI CODE:

A scavenger hunt
based on the crazy notion
that some dude had sex.

Hilarious isn’t it?? And oh so true!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Go ahead and take a risk.

Last week i made chocolate brownies. Pardon me for not being modest-but it was damn good. It was so good that my diabetic father risked another tiny piece even at the prospect of getting an earful from my mother. And thus it was very natural for me to offer them to each and every one who visited my house.One such visitor happened to be an uncle of mine. But when i presented him those delectable cakes, prompt came the question,"dear, can you tell me what the recipe is?" and this was even before he picked one up! For a second i was baffled, but soon enlightenment dawned upon me. I realized that he must be enquiring about the non-veg content and proceeded to tell him about the eggs that were very much part pf the ingredients. At first he shook his head in dissapointment as he generally did not consume eggs. But as i have already mentioned, they were good brownies-they looked good and they smelled good. soon he gave away to temptation and popped one into his mouth. And guess what, he loved it.

Now, i really feel that we all have something to learn from the incident. Just imagine what that uncle would have missed had he discarded the cake simply because of some insolent eggs, whose presence by the way was no where in sight or smell. What i am trying to say is that sometimes in life we must do what we feel like, without thinking of pros and cons. Sure, we must all be alert and prudent in our actions lest we do something stupid. But in my opinion, every once in a while, we must do what our heart tells us. because you never know, may be at the end of the road, a chocolate brownie might just be waiting for us.